Cloud development.

Take advantage of the infinite possibilities of the Internet.

As a cloud solution for the mobile apps we use Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Azure provides the flexibility to create your mobile apps using virtual machines, cloud services and mobile services. Thanks to the support of many languages ​​and APIs, a solution can be quickly created.

Reach any user on any platform

With native SDKs for Windows Phone and Windows Store, Android, Apple iOS and HTML5 you can reach each user on any platform with Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. You get the maximum flexibility with an open REST API.

Push notifications for millions

With the notification hubs any app can send, with just a few lines of code, Push Notifications on Windows Phone, Windows Store, Android and Apple iOS devices.

Connect to local systems

Mobile Services allows you to leverage your existing resources, both in the cloud and locally.

Scalability and Availability

With Microsoft Azure, you can scale your app on demand with increasing traffic, without having to deploy additional infrastructure.